Article VII: Election of Officers
Section 1
Officers shall be elected in November or December to take office the following July 1st and to hold office for a period of one year. All Chapter members are eligible for election to office, except that the President and Vice President must have been Chapter members for a period of one year prior to the date of the election.
Section 2
A nominating committee of three members, none of whom are incumbent officers, shall be appointed by the Executive Council in January to hold office for one year. As soon as the nominating committee is appointed, the membership shall be notified in writing, by the Executive Council, of the personnel of this committee, the specific offices to be filled by the forth-coming election and the date of the meeting when the nominating committee will report, and when nominations may be made from the floor. By April 15th this committee shall submit the names of one or more candidates for each office. At a specified meeting, nominations from the floor may be made. Nominations from the floor require a second. All nominees for office must by physically present at that meeting or, in the alternative, have submitted a statement in writing, or notified the nominating committee, of their intention to serve, if elected to office. The names of all nominated candidates for office will be sent to the membership by the first meeting in October.
The election shall take place at a Chapter meeting in November or in December. At that meeting, the election of officers shall be the first item on the agenda. Election shall be by secret written ballot. The candidate for each office receiving a plurality of the ballots cast shall be declared elected.
Section 3
When offices, except that of President, become vacant during the academic year, the nominating committee shall submit the names of one or more candidates, nominations may be made from the floor, and an election to fill the vacancy shall be held at the next meeting.